Aylward Primary School
Pangbourne Drive
Telephone: 020 89589202
Email: office@aylward.harrow.sch.uk
SMS: 07860 004918
The Headteacher is Mr Clive Westall
Our friendly office team will deal with any initial enquiries:
Mrs Tam (School Business Manager)
Mrs Becker (Receptionist/Admin. Assistants)
Mrs Foody (Admission and Attendance Officer)
Mrs Shetty (Finance/Admin. Assistant)
Miss J. Williamson (Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion and Special Needs Co-ordinator) can also be contacted on this number
The Chair of Governors Mr Marcello Borgese can be contacted at the above school address
If you require a paper copy of any information on our website please contact Mrs Tam via TamM@aylward.harrow.sch.uk