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Aylward Primary School

Inspire, Enjoy, Achieve


Our School priorities for this year

Headlines from our School Improvement Plan


Each year we review how the school is performing.This helps us to decide how we can further develop our school and enable our children to be the best they can be. We analyse our latest results, as well as information from our annual pupil, staff and parent questionnaires. We also listen to educational advisers who visit our school. Below is a summary of our current priorities:


  • Building upon children’s prior knowledge to help them with their current learning.

  • Achieving the ‘Communication Friendly School's' award.

  • Improve children's progress and attainment in KS1 and in particular with their reading comprehension skills.
  • Provide effective support to further improve staff subject knowledge, as well further develop the role of our teaching assistants.


       Building upon last year’s priorities……..

  • Further development of children’s vocabulary across the whole curriculum.
  • Effective use of assessments in foundation subjects such as History, Geograpghy, Art......
  • Further improve children's attendance.


Other Areas


Further develop our outside environment by constructing an additional outdoor shelter to be used as a classroom space.

Purchase further laptops and ipads for the school.



