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Aylward Primary School

Inspire, Enjoy, Achieve


Our School priorities for this year

Headlines from our School Improvement Plan


Each year we review how the school is performing.This helps us to decide how we can further develop our school and enable our children to be the best they can be. We analyse our latest results, as well as information from our annual pupil, staff and parent questionnaires. We also listen to educational advisers who visit our school. Below is a summary of our current priorities:


  • Developing prior learning opportunities, based on making connections, o help them contextualise current learning.

  • Improve KS1 attainment, particularly in Writing including spelling and handwriting, and including meeting the needs of children with SEND.

  • Raising attainment and progress in the EYFS, particularly in Literacy and Maths.

  • Developing the PSHE curriculum through the introduction and implementation of the Jigsaw scheme.

  • Improving the quality of Computing hardware.

  • Improving school facilities including the annexe, playground shelters and replacing the Reception shed.

       Building upon last year’s priorities……..

  • Further developing the active role of LSAs - based upon EEF research.
  • Further developing children's KS1 comprehension.
  • Exploring Arbor as an alternative assessment system to Target Tracker.